What is LOVE?
To each of us, love means different things and has many different meanings. There exist love of God, love of spouse, children, family, friends, neighbor. Some have the love of money, expensive cars, materialistic things, but this is not the kind of love that is referred to here.
1 John 4:8 tells us that "God is Love." He personifies what Love because He is Love is and he created us with that special need and ability to love and be loved. It is the greatest thing that God put in place for us as human beings. We all crave for it in one way or the other. The ability to love and the innate need to be loved is something many have tried to fully understand but have not even touched the surface.
We love because God first loved us. But what about matters of the heart where we have to seek love from someone else, the opposite sex. That one is complex.
We often times we find ourselves falling in love with someone who does not share our feelings. We lament over this one thing our heart desires but yet is the very thing that causes us so much pain. It is the greatest thing that God put in place for us as human beings.
1 Corinthians 13: 7, 8, is described this way, "Love It bears all things, believes all things, hope all things, endures all things. Love never fails."
What does it mean to really love someone? Are we bound by what society says we need to do; the norm, find someone, coincide with them just because this is what is required of us, or do we do what everyone else does? Do we gravitate to someone because they have the financial means to support us materially, our desired lifestyle and just go with the flow, learn to tolerate this person just because our needs are met? Are we drawn to someone because the first sex was good so we are hooked on that feeling of what we believe to be love?
Another aspect could be that one can feel pity for the other and because each can fill a void for the other decide to hook up and live with each other for years without really loving or falling in love with each other.
Another still, some may get married not wanting to be alone but don't like each other or are not able to fulfill each other sexually, so both go outside the bounds of marriage into other relationships to satisfy their sexual needs.
Or do we really fall in love with someone, and because of that heartfelt love we are moved to want to spend the rest of our lives with that person and "endure all things?"
What is Love? Do most of us possess that true love that never fails? Do most of us have or display that true enduring love for another from the heart, the kind that "bear all things, believes all things, hope in all things and endures?
The language of love is yet to be fully understood. Yet we all crave for that true love that will blow the wind out of us; take us to new highs, our little piece of paradise, our little space of heaven on earth.
When we seek love or speak the language of love, it is in my opinion vital to keep in mind these few words at 1 Corinthians 3: 4-6.
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interest, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness but rejoices with the truth."
"It bares all, things, believes all things. Love never fails."
What are your thoughts?